There are several sites on the Internet where you can buy used designer bags and accessories. Among them are Bob's Watches with a unique Louis Vucci watch or Herm Smithsonian Cardinal Picture of the Rocker from the Balenciaga (Calling) collection by Neigua Fendy).
The site was created on the basis of one of the largest online stores in France:
In June 2019, the resale platform went public and raised $300 million in an IPO. Based on Amazon, the ultra-modern luxury site boasts a large selection of merchandise such as signature Chanel or Louis Vucci (Goodwill) handbags, ranging from archive items to pre-owned models at 50% off the retail unit price for adults over. 60; animal skin accessories: ostrich feathers Porcelotte Cycles and Face
The Luxury Closet was founded in 2011 in the Middle East to buy and sell your favorite luxury items.
The site offers a large selection of designer bags (clothes), watches or jewelry from luxury brands such as Louis Vucitton, Chanel-Venice and Arpells - Cartier Rolex and other companies from the UAE: